Regenerative Forestry


Bringing Innovation and Best Practices to
Forest and Wildlife Management

Forest health and biodiversity are critical to the health and survival of people and planet.

But today, forest ecosystems face a multitude of threats including cutting, diseases, fires, drought, and other conditions caused by global warming.

Now is the time for new ideas and bold action.

Our Mission

WellKind’s forestry mission is to protect the forests and native plants that can heal our atmosphere and save the species that depend upon them for survival.

Our Regenerative Forestry Program is a unique 3-pronged approach to achieving this:

  1. Educating the public about the importance of forests and plants, and the newest scientific research on preserving and protecting them.

  2. Providing college-accredited science education and vocational training for high school and college students in innovative forest and wildlife management practices.

  3. Developing habitat management plans based on the newest science and technology and assisting private landowners, land managers and policymakers in applying these proven practices.

Public Education & Outreach

We educate the public about the state of our forests, and how each of us can contribute to restoration and protection efforts. Once the larger public understands, for example, the importance of plants in healing our atmosphere and supporting biodiversity on the planet, they can be a powerful force to help solve our current global crisis.

We offer in-depth webinars, news articles, and events for homeowners, gardeners and anyone interested in preserving healthy land, water, and wildlife, and tackling climate change in our own backyards. 

To date, we’ve reached over 300,000 people with facts about biodiversity, climate change, and forest and wildlife management. We engage them via:

  1. Panels on “Emerging Environmental Careers” with leading experts from science, policy and conservation to inform and inspire people to take action. 

  2. Tabling events (handing out fact sheets and flyers at popular community sites) to encourage people to protect trees and wildlife.

  3. Virtual and in-person workshops where we train audiences in proven, simple techniques to help trees and wildlife in and around their backyards. 

  4. Social media and public marketing, where we’re:  

  • Releasing educational videos with tips for property owners, reaching 600 people. More Here.

  • Producing informative blogs providing the newest scientific discoveries. More Here.

  • Creating engaging social media content, reaching over 275,720 viewers.

  • Attracting thousands of visitors to our website.

  • Hosting webinars with leading experts in the field, reaching 200 viewers. 

Forestry Internship & Impact

Our Forestry Internship is the backbone of our Regenerative Forestry Program, providing innovative college-level environmental education and vocational training to high school students, the emerging leaders of the next generation of environmental professionals.

 Through in-depth fieldwork, hands-on research, creating educational videos and other content, expert presenters, peer coaching, and more, our students do “real work”, learn the latest scientific discoveries, get critical college credit & career training, and graduate ready to continue as mentors, researchers, writers and habitat stewards. According to HubSpot, networking helps people get as many as 85% of all jobs. Our internship provides critical networking opportunities. Past interns have worked as the Editor-in-Chief of UCLA’s Daily Bruin, for innovative biofuel companies, and other exciting and impactful positions.

Our Impact:

Each year, 100 high school students participate in our in-depth curriculum & hands-on training during the summer, after school and/or in the classroom.


Each year, our afterschool interns complete a combined 1,225 hours of habitat restoration fieldwork, scientific research and multimedia communications training learning the newest science about biodiversity and gaining eligibility for college credit.


We’re recognized as the best internship program for high school youth in the County by our partner, the Marin County Office of Education.


All of our afterschool interns and in-class students receive training from nationally recognized experts like Dr. James Powell, National Science Advisor to two US Presidents, Congressman Jared Huffman,  and more.


All Interns in our spring 2022 afterschool program said they feel more prepared for college after graduating from our internship.


All Interns in our spring 2022 afterschool program said they would recommend this internship to other interns. 


Land Management Plans & Policies - Habitat Planning for a Climate-Changed World

 Owners of 1,375 acres of land are using our innovative holistic approaches.

  • Evaluating forest ecosystems using techniques such as soil testing, UV damage analysis, and more

  • Increasing wildlife biodiversity by providing water sources, advising on land management seasons, planting native plants and more.

  • Working with like-minded partners that manage land with an eye to biodiversity as the highest outcome.

The fact is, many existing forest, wildlife and fire management policies and practices are simply inadequate or outdated.

WellKind advises local, state and federal lawmakers on urgent new policies needed for a climate-changed earth, such as:

  • Shifting fire prevention strategies away from forest thinning to improving communications in fire emergencies and preventing fires (93% of which are carelessly started by people).

  • Encouraging policies that support biodiversity, such as prohibiting or cutting down on springtime timber harvests and updating the educational requirements of professional forestry certifications to consider important aspects of forest health like declining soil values, UV radiation, and more.

  • Re-evaluating current approaches to land and forest management and to apply proven scientific methods instead of relying on outdated lobby and industry standards.

 We are also developing our own innovative Forest Policy Guide for policymakers, as well as educating the public about how they can support policy change at local, state and national levels.

Sign-Up to learn how to help preserve wildlife.