April Blog: Empowering Change

This month our local team embarked on our yearly work retreat where we spent 3 days setting intentions and goals for our team's personal development as well as our organization's growth. One of the main missions we set out for this year's retreat was to create a 5 year strategic plan for our organization's programming to continue our impact in the indigenous communities of Lake Atitlan. 

Away from the distractions of daily operations, our team immersed themselves in focused discussions and brainstorming activities. We analyzed past successes and challenges, identified opportunities for expansion, and crafted a roadmap for future initiatives. Each member contributed their unique perspective, drawing from their cultural heritage and personal experiences to enrich the discussions. 

The retreat also served as a platform for individual reflection and goal setting. Each team member took the opportunity to assess their strengths, weaknesses, and aspirations, aligning their personal growth trajectories with the organization's mission. This dual focus on personal and professional development ensured that the team emerged from the retreat with a shared sense of purpose and direction. While the retreat was marked by intense strategizing, it was also a time for bonding and rejuvenation. The team engaged in team-building activities, shared meals, and moments of laughter, deepening their connections and fostering a sense of camaraderie.

Our organization is celebrating its 5th anniversary in August and we are preparing to change the website to align with all of the conclusions we have drawn from our work retreat and the past experiences. It was a beautiful sight to see our team more engaged and ready to bring change to their communities than ever before. It has taken time to refine our programming and find the essence of what makes our work different but we are now honing in on our organization's focus. We found that at the heart of our work is the conservation of natural resources and helping indigenous communities be resilient in the face of climate change. 

As we drew to a close, Wellkind emerged with a clear vision for the future and a renewed commitment to our mission. Armed with a strategic plan and individual goals, we returned to our work with a sense of purpose and determination, ready to make a lasting impact on our communities and the environment. 

In the tranquil beauty of Tzununa, amidst the whispers of the lake and the rustle of the trees, Wellkind laid the foundation for a future defined by sustainability, resilience, and meaningful change.
