Press Release: Why Spring is the Worst Time To Cut Trees


By Michael Collins

Did you know that one third of our tree species are facing extinction? A recent report titled “State of the World’s Trees,” issued by over 500 tree experts and 61 institutions, indicates that if we continue to do business as usual, we will lose 30% of the known 60,000 species.

In addition to tree loss and declining tree health, there have been drastic reductions in some wildlife, especially birds, across a variety of species. A new study by scientists from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology shoews that 3 billion birds have gone missing since 1970. According to Cornell Lab Director John Fitzpatrick, this is “A staggering loss that suggests the very fabric of North America’s ecosystem is unraveling."

The greatest single action that landowners can take to help stem the tide of species loss is to STOP cutting and trimming trees in the spring. Putting an end to cutting in the spring is just one step, but it’s one of the greatest and easiest things land managers and property owners can do to make a significant difference.

In particular, loss of forest lands prevents healthy species proliferation of mammals and birds and disrupts migration patterns—a major reason why many bird species are dying off at a rapid pace. Today, many birds and other species are becoming extinct, and those that aren’t are becoming less common and harder to spot. This includes bird species such as the northern harrier, osprey, California gnat catcher, least bells vireo, cactus wren, white tailed kite, yellow warbler, and more.

As the weather warms and snow melts, many people start to get outside and do yard work, yet cutting and/or trimming trees in the spring can be disastrous for species clinging to survival. First off, when you trim branches off of a tree in spring, you are leaving it more vulnerable to pests and diseases than if you trim in the fall or winter, when most pests are dormant and the tree has time to recover and heal over any cuts. Pests such as pine beetles are more likely to attack during the spring, and a trimmed tree with an open limb cut is more susceptible to pests entering. In the summer, trees are less able to use the defense mechanism to deter pests with a strong resin flow if they are damaged in the spring and weakened by trimming. Bark beetles have destroyed up to 100 million acres of timber in the American West and Canada.

Over 42 tree species have recently gone extinct, while over 400 are on the verge of disappearing. The biggest threats to trees are logging, thinning and fire, in that order. Yet, pests are becoming more of an issue especially with changing weather patterns. Pests tend to thrive in warmer weather and less severe winters.

We can take measures to protect trees and wildlife. Some of these measures are very simple, such as not cutting or trimming trees in the spring when trees and wildlife are most vulnerable. For example, North American birds and most wildlife raise their young in the spring. Why is this? For most species, the spring provides resources babies need: warmer weather, higher foliage cover, longer days which equal more water for drinking and more access to food. Some birds in particular generally start seeking or building nest sites as early as February in some regions, especially in California.

Birds’ nests are hard to see when hidden in limbs and leaves, and while trimming a tree in the spring, you could break one even without knowing it. Also, the loud noises and disturbances that often go hand in hand with cutting can have disastrous effects on wildlife seeking to raise young, as they can deter parents from coming near their nest sites or offspring to feed them.

Being able to raise the next generation of offspring is critical for the continuation of the species.

WellKind Forestry seeks to protect our trees, forests and the many species that rely on them. We encourage landowners to become earth stewards at this key time when so many species of trees and wildlife are struggling to survive in a rapidly changing world. Learn more by visiting our
Forestry page.
