Posts in Garden
Does Your School Need Help Building a Garden? We’re Giving Mini-Grants in Sonoma County

Want to get your students out of doors and learning science, ecology, nutrition, and more? On September 16th, WellKind will be accepting applications for mini-grant proposals from Sonoma County public schools that are creating or sustaining a garden or are taking on garden-related projects.

Our Garden Program partners with 23 schools, serving over 8,000 youth. Eighty-seven percent of our partner schools are supported by the federal Title 1 program, which provides funding assistance to schools serving large numbers of students from low-income families. Through the September 2022 mini-grant application process launch, we hope to reach even more schools and students as well as continue to assist schools that have received garden grants in the past.

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Free Garden Classes for Sonoma & Marin Schools!

WellKind has had a busy spring, awarding our 2022 WellKind Garden Mini-Grants to 16 schools and 6 organizations working to fight hunger in Sonoma and Marin.

In addition, we have rolled out our “Science in the Garden” program. We’re offering free assistance to teachers to get kids learning in school gardens, featuring our science-based curriculum that meets Common Core standards.

If your school in Marin or Sonoma would like free garden classes from WellKind, please email

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Why Outdoor and Garden Education Matters

Through gaining a greater understanding of nature, youth will be better prepared to make decisions that protect the environment. Yet, outdoor and garden education is not limited to environmental awareness. It's about using a school's surroundings as a framework to support inspired learning about science, math, social studies, and many other academic topics. And unlike classroom instruction or reading a book, hands-on experiential outdoor education can last a lifetime.

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The Value of Outdoor Education

We spoke with Laura Honda, a 4th grade teacher with a passion for outdoor education. Laura has a Hybrid class whereher students can experience both outdoor education and virtual learning. Some of her students’ favorite things to do is take a nature walk. This exercise is now done in the students’ backyard identifying plants and trees.

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